
Street Child Annual Report 2020/21: Highlights — Street Child

Global Partnership for Education and Education Cannot Wait grants underpin a strong project pipeline

In 2020/21 Street Child secured approximately £15m in fresh funds raised and brand new funding commitments for current and future years – for Street Child UK, our sister entities and direct to our partners. We were honoured to have our first three opportunities to partner with the Global Partnership for Education (GPE). We were also thrilled to expand our relationship with Education Cannot Wait (ECW) with a new grant in Afghanistan, continuation of AET programmes in Somalia and in particular the award of $7m to a Street Child/NRC consortiam in Nigeria which is a massive endorsement of the strength and reputation Street Child has built in the Boko Haram conflict zone.

New frontiers- Cameroon, Mozambique, Myanmar, South Sudan and Somalia

Street Child’s new venture in Cameroon made massive progress, in particular with the opportunity to support our lead national partner LUKMEF to deliver substantial child and general protection programmes from UNICEF, supporting 4,500 children. As the year ended the new team in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique were also preparing to support partners deliver a major UNICEF-funded child protection programme. The integration of AET gives Street Child running starts in South Sudan and Somalia and a new GPE grant enabled Street Child to start in Myanmar.

resilience and agility

The COVID crisis has challenged every person and organisation on the planet. Programmatically Street Child delivered our most intensive and impactful year to date, scaling and adapting our work to support children and communities who we knew needed us more than ever. This was achieved from a reduced ‘core’ cost- base and without strain on the organisation’s financial health. Organisationally, despite a precipitous fall in unrestricted income, forcing a range of tough cost-control measures affecting all parts of the organisation, we still managed to post a modest unrestricted surplus – maintaining our reserve levels in their target range.

To read the Annual Report in full please click here.

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